Home | Bassoon
| High| Bear
Lake | Lower Cranberry
| Billy | Little
Lake on the Hill | Stoney | Burntcabin
| Roundotter| Cranberry
| Beaver | Little
VanWinkle | VanWinkle | Cat
| Howry | Gem
| Hanwood
| Murray
| Leech
| Heart
| Ringer
| Fish
| Walker
| Little
Bear | Hannah
| Home
Species: | Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike, Perch, Largemouth Bass |
Description: | Hanwood Lake is located between Van Winkle and Leech Lakes. The portage to Hanwood is located at the far southwest end of Van Winkle. It's a short portage (about 75 yards) and a little steep. The lake is long and narrow and dog leg in shape and has two small islands. It's not very deep, about 30 to 40 feet at most, and surrounded by steep rock banks. You'll enjoy it's quiet and pristine wilderness setting. |
Strategy: | I like night crawlers with a #4 laser sharp hook with a #4 split shot about a foot up from the hook. This works good for bass and perch. Pike will occasionally take it, but for pike I like yellow spinner buzz baits with a trailer hook and a medium drag setting. Drift the shoreline and around the islands for bass and for pike troll the middle with erratic movement and figure eight patterns varying fast then slow. Hint: In order to troll slower, spin motor around and troll backwards. |
Things to Consider: |
Take a lunch because you'll want to spend the entire day. Be sure to
take your camera. The smallmouth will make a great shore lunch. Note:
Don't forget your raingear even if the sun is shining when you leave early
in the morning. (Personal experience.) Rainbow Trout has been stocked in this lake in past years though the population has probably fizzled out. |
Contributors: | Contributor: Larry Mueller havegunwilltravel@earthlink.net
Larry Mueller's family has owned a Camp on Bear Lake for many years.
He is a trusted friend and fellow outdoorsman at heart. Like many of us,
he does not get to spend near the amount of time at our Beloved Bear Lake
as he would like. More times than not you will see Larry fishing the narrows
with a Bush Hat on. |