General Tips

A driver's license is all that you will need to cross the border.  However, a birth certificate may help too. You can order a small plastic card version from your state's Dept. of Vital Statistics.  

Canada limits the amount per adult of:

  1. Tobacco: 200 Cigarettes, or
    50 Cigars, or
    400 Grams of loose Tobacco
  2. Alcohol: 1 Case of Beer, or
    40 Ounces of hard liquor.
  3. Full Tank of Gas and a reasonable amount of food.
  4. Ammunition: 200 Rounds (Max)
  5. Sports Equip: To include your fishing and hunting gear. Please remember that you have to have the documents and pay the fee for bringing in your shotgun or rifle.


  1. If you drink, limit yourself to a case of beer per person. That is the legal limit. Beer is running about $32 per case Canadian ( $20.50 US) Leave the extra beer at home. With Canada's current exchange rate ($1 US = 1.56 CA) you will save yourself a lot of time, hassle, and money at the border by just buying the additional beer in Canada.
  2. If you bring in cigarettes, declare them and have them on the dashboard. Don't make the agent search your vehicle.
  3. Don't bring up worms in dirt. Customs won't allow them across. Just let us know how many you need, before you come up and we can provide Canadian Crawlers at $ 45 US per flat of 500. A good rule of thumb is 1 flat per two people. We will also make minnows and possibly leaches available to you.
  4. If you are crossing with a pet, make sure you have proof of all of its vaccinations and shots.
  5. Enter Canada with a full tank of gas. Gas is approximately $3.00 US per gallon.
    We always stop on the US side of Sault Ste Marie and fill up.
  6. When crossing the border, just tell them that you are going fishing/hunting at Espanola. Keep your answers brief. Keep your sense of humor in check. A recent article in Field & Stream echoes that sentiment.
  7. Purchase everything you can with a debit card or credit card. You always get the best exchange rate this way. If you need Canadian Money, use an ATM in Canada. You will always get a much better exchange rate.
  8. Groceries: You can purchase most everything you need a little cheaper (exchange rate) in Canada. Make sure you bring whatever batteries you will need with you though. For some reason they are much more expensive in Canada.
  9. If you are a parent bringing a child, you will need to a letter from your spouse giving you permission to bring your child to Canada. The reason for this is to keep parents in custody battles from running away with their children.

Bait & Tackle

We have a Bait & Tackle Store, Doctor Tackle, that opens up early for our customers in Espanola. You will need to purchase your fishing and hunting licenses here. Dr. Tackle is also a great place for the once over, to make sure you have everything you will need. If you get lost, or you are going to be late, you can call Dr. Tackle and he will let us know. He can also make sure that you know how to get to the dock.

Doctor Tackle
402 Ricci Street
Espanola, ON
(705) 869-3627
